Premikser-segistiga võib tsükliliselt segada puistsed ingridiendid, et valmistada kuivaid mitmekomponendiga segusi, mis on kõlblikud edasiseks kasutamiseks tehnilistes protsessides. Segisti on asetamatu, kui on vaja panna toorainesse lisasid väikestes kogustes alates 0,1%. Kasutamise valdkond: jõusööda tootmine, jahu parendamine (pelmeenide ja makaronide tootmisel), jahusegude valmistamine (kondiitritooded, leiva küpsetamine), segude valmistamine farmatseudi,- keemia,-toiduainetööstuses, kuivade segude valmistamine ehituses.
- segamise kõrge kvaliteed;
- segamise kõrge kiirus (15 minutit);
- võimalus lülitada segisti automatiseeritud tehnoloogilisse skeemisse;
- valmissegu vedu kuni 20 m;
- alumine bunker on varustatud pneumaatilise võlvvariseja ja kaarutiga.

V-shape mixer is widely used in pharmaceuticals, colors, plastics resins, food products, ceramic glazes, metal powders, cosmetics, detergents, insecticides, explosives materials, and a lot of others. The product containers have 'V" shape so it crated continuously split and recombines of the material with more tumbler and friction effect to the material for fast and homogenizing mixing. It can perform homogenously dry mixing of free flowing powders, granules requiring low shearing force, Mixing and Blending of particles with rapid intermixing of particles irrespective of varying specific gravities. The material is loaded into the 'V" shape blender drum. The 'V" shape blender is tumbles the material in the container and spread out. The mixing is achieved in 5 to 15 minutes with better homogeneity.
- Raw material can be supplied, both manually and automatically.
- V-shaped form of the drum prevents sticking and poor mixing of ingredients.
-The mixer is easy to load and unload the ingredients ready mix. Loading can take place in one feed inlet, and both.
- Materials: stainless steel .
- Productivity: 30-600 kg/h.